
Hot off the Warseer/BoLS presses we got Space Wolf  rumors.

I will use the creepy beauty of mimes to express my feelings about these rumors.

Space Wolves Rumors begin……………………………………….NOW!

mime -If drop pods are taken, the whole army must take them.

6-Bjorn the Fellhanded has AV14 on all sides, better stats.
mime-There is some mad Wulfen character, who has his own personal drop pod. He can choose who he fights in combat, like a challenge in WFB. No-one else can fight him apart from the person he’s attacking, unless said model is killed, in which case his squad can then attack him.

frenchmime-All rules for Named Characters have been rebuffed – all of them can take terminator armour for +50 points. All Named Characters models are getting re-done, if not for the actual release then in subsequent releases.

2021614632009226203230_roy_mime-Runic weapons I believe function as Relic blades, but with something else quite snazzy.

plotting-mime-Wolf Guard (in terminator armour) with lightning claws rack up 6 attacks on the charge each. A very broken thing to do (think this ill be omitted from the final codex) is put them with Ragnar Blackmane, who gives them Fleet of foot and rending, though dont’ quote me on rending.

8mime-Individual Wolf Guard can replace squad leaders – all should look individual.

243217569_h4pbh-m-No model in the SW codex at all has the option to take a thunderhammer and storm shield.

mimehands-Wolf Scouts won’t be troops.

mimeconfused-Wulfen are back in and TH SS combo isn’t an entry

I am so happy that Dark Eldar keep on getting pushed back. I hope we get at least four more Marine Chapter books before then!