Just a fast comment about the event so far. I have never been to an event that was not dominated by Space Marine. Adepticon is not the case; from the gladiator to the Team Tourney Imperial Guard have easily taken the cake. Without seeing the break down, I would say at least a 1/3 of the players are IG armies.

My current hypthosis is two-fold.

  1. The Valkyrie GW has hit a gold mind with this model and has given the thing that IG always lacked–another dimension.
  2. Pay to play. Adepticon is an older mans event and that plays in the expensive account of older games making IG prime target for their desires

Makes me think that GW really missed the chance to sell a lot of models if they would of made a plastic kit with Thunder Cav. Still I can only image what will happen when GW gets around to finishing the Stormraven for the Blood Angels…