I can remember almost 20 years ago how cool the art was in the two Realm of Chaos books and how they shaped the way I looked at the 40k universe. Today a new group of artists both digital and analog still produce fantastic work. It is Blood of Kittens hope that you take a look, sit back, and enjoy the beauty and sheer epicness that is Warhammer 40k art. Remember to click for enlarged images.

When you think of 40k art or Games Workshop art it always starts and ends with John Blanche. From 1977 John Blanche has been the face of Games Workshop art. He captures the feel of GW games: translating the original punk/metal aesthetic to print. John Blanche has always been about style over realism– this makes John Blanche easily the most recognized artist for Games Workshop. John Blanche not only does art for GW, he has also won Gamedays painting contests. John is one of the rare artists that lives the hobby he designs for. Here is a sample of all things Blanche.

Here is a piece that shows many aspects of Blanche art. Blanche’s degradation of detail as your eyes peer into the background forces you back to the highly detailed central figure. We are shown a cacophony of images with distorted shapes and bodies. Realism is thrown away in attempt to portray perhaps a contemporary of the 40k universe would have typically see in a painting. The picture is just so filled with objects that very little natural elements can be seen.

John is also the master of the single figure. In this piece we get a look at the Primach Fulgrim during the Great Crusade. Typically we see leaders of the Imperium not as idealized, but in the hands of Blanche it is expected. The work has a very sketch like feel. Something you would find in professional story boards.

This is perhaps my least favorite work of John Blanche. This is the cover of 40k 2nd Edition. The reason for this is simple GW forced its way into the creative process. Asking Blanche to create a piece that represents the models that were actually being sold as well as a more kid friendly representation of the 40k universe.

Here is another great example of Blanche playing with scale. Blanche forgets the normal conventions of post Renaissance art and really tries to display a gothic feel that is totally Warhammer 40k.

If did not know who this was or where it came from you would just think this work was just a sci-fi woman holding a flame thrower. Blanche uses the smallest accessory to let us know this is a lady of the Imperium with the small imperial crest dangling like a key chain from her pants.

Here is a few more of my favorite Blanche works.

Love him or hate him John Blanche is a titan in Warhammer art. Here is a link if you want to learn more about John Blanche and his particular style.

Take a look at Blood of Kittens new site Art of Warhammer at bloodofkittens.com/warhammerart where this weeks feature art is John Blanche!

John Blanche Wiki

As well here are some links to products that feature Blanche art.

The Inquisitor Sketchbook

The Art of Warhammer