Author: TastyTaste

Best of 40k Internet: The Dorian Heresy

The dedicated guys over at Bolter and Chainsword have put together one of the greatest re-imaginings of the 40k Universe. They ask the question what would have happened if the Horus Heresy was perpetrated by Rogal Dorn and not...

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40k Douche Bag: Did you really paint that?

So someone was whining about there paint score from the Da Grand Waaagh on DakkaDakka– not really news worthy right? Well what does make this particular thread news worthy is the revelation that the winner of best paint...

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Meat for Meta: Learn how to #^&@!& add!

I really don’t know where to start, I am completely flummoxed. I am getting tired of playing the blame game. I just want it to stop. You may or may not have noticed, but I left out some army lists from the final tables at...

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