Author: TastyTaste

Community Pimp: New Blog and a New Tournament

Here is another in what I hope will be a continuing series of pimping work for others around the net. One of Blood of Kittens readers Kevin Mcdermott has a new blog he just started as well wants to promote an event dear to his...

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Community Pimp: Warmasters’s 40k Challenge

Here is another in what I hope will be a continuing series of pimping work for others around the net. One of Blood of Kittens reads Nathan Stevens wants to make everyone aware of tournament being held in Kitchener, Ontario,...

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Indy GT Circuit: NovaOpen Stelek Loses!

Stelek loses after clubbing baby seals all the way to the second day only to face and lose to a local sixteen year old Space Wolf player named Tony. Here is his list! Copied from YTTH Njal Twc Lord, pfist, ss, saga bear, wolf...

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