Author: TastyTaste

Indy GT Circuit: Ard’ Boyz Results

Everyone pretty much knows that I think Ard’ Boyz is a terrible idea. Still here is a quick list of the winners from the prospective locations East Coast Finals 1st – Clark Welch: Chaos Marines 2nd – Ben...

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Indy GT Circuit: Buckeye Battles IV Results

Last week we were treated to another GT set in wonderful Ohio. Not only did people play for the glory of getting a Golden Ticket they also go a good old fashion cook out! Anyway the event was a 3 round affair set on a Friday...

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40k Douche Bag: By Request Only…

In the 40k universe one voice stands above the rest as the defender of non-competitive play that person is Andrew Sutton otherwise known as Stelek founder of the website Yes the Truth Hurts. …this is his story. WHO SUMMONS ME...

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Indy GT Circuit: Game Summit and Conquest Results

Well looks like a missed a GT last month that had people qaulifiing for Vegas as well the small Conquest Invasion Event in Las Angeles. So here is a quick run down of the winners for those two events. First is Game Summit out of...

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