Author: TastyTaste

40k Douche Bag: Tau Online Ownership

So I just got word that Tau Online has gone tits up! The  newish owner of Tau Online has kicked all the mods to the curb and as we speak a revolt is in progress! So much for the Greater Good. The reasons for this are simple:...

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Indy GT Circuit: The 14th Black Crusade Results

Well the good folks that run the Black Crusade event have posted the winners and photos from there event. Here is a run down. Destruction MVP: Mike Davy playing Tyrannids Imperium MVP: Thomas Walker playing Imperial Fists...

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In Defense of 1500: The choices we make.

Over the course of this series I have taken a mostly micro view of why 1500 should be played. What about a more macro view of1500? Much of this may seem anecdotal, but if you have been following the current meta game in the U.S....

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Art of Warhammer 40k: Karl Kopinski

// <![CDATA[ (function() { document.write('’); })(); // ]]>Here at Blood of Kittens we strive to showcase topics and discussions that you don’t normally find on your typical 40k blog. That is why Blood of...

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