Author: TastyTaste

40k Indy GT Circuit: Astronomi-con Dallas

The Canadians are coming! This weekend to the heart of Texas! The good guys from up North are making their first adventure to American in the form of Astronomi-Con Dallas. As first reported here Astronomi-con is a long running...

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40k Douche Bag: 40k Radio the Saga continues…

Here are some of the latest rumblings concerning the Drama that is 40k Radio. Blood of Kittens has been contacted by a few people who claim to have knowledge of the situation and it seems that Spencer may have been a very bad...

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A “new” idea and what you can do to help.

Over the last month I been trying to think of ways to get more community envelopment on Blood of Kittens as well as promote other bloggers and writers. Often blogs have a simple blog roll that they use to promote other blogs...

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40k MMO and Space Marine Trailers

  httpv:// httpv:// httpv:// Official Dark Millennium Online Website Space Marine Official...

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Art of Warhammer 40k: Clint Langley

Here at Blood of Kittens we strive to showcase topics and discussions that you don’t normally find on your typical 40k blog. That is why Blood of Kittens presents this new series that promotes the artists that often get over...

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