Hello, all.

So, another day, more progress. And this time, it is more directed.
Over the weekend, two events have occured that will be changing the direction of this blog.
1) I began corresponding with the legendary Gitsplitta (DakkaDakka) and what makes a good blog. He offered some great advice (his writings on what makes a good blog, found in his Mantis Warrior thread, are a must read) and I'm taking full heed of that. No more rambles, no more useless information and pictures. Straight to the point, finishing a model then starting a new one. I also talked with him about "scheduled programming", and it's an idea I'd like to flesh out here. Basically, I'll be sending out 2-3 detailed updates during the week, thick with content. On the weekends, I'll take a break from the normal stuff on the blog and try my hand at something different. This is to keep me on my toes and to keep you interested.
2) I discovered an old file on my laptop, one that was an Inquisitor campaign write-up. It never got finished or even off the ground, but I want to theme my models around it now. The full content can be found here: http://www.dakkadakka.com/wiki/en/The_Azmandain_Incident. I won't post the entire thing as that would be a waste of space and your time. Needless to say, I am recharged and ready to roll once more.

Some previously requested recent picture of my "Bio-Suit guardsman". I actually misplaced him for a little while, but now he's back and ready to go under the brush.

He does have a bare arm, yes. I'm thinking to make it look like mutants had ripped of the armor and sleeve, but he kept on fighting (if you don't know what I'm talking about, go read the Azmandain Incident pt 1, link above). Does that look totally stupid, or does it work for you (with the background)? I think the last few things to do are clean up and a bit more weathering, then he'll be paint ready.

Three quick shots here, L-R they are my Fanatic with new head and arm, my Inquisitor with base and Servo Skull, and Stormtrooper Eurelis. All will be featuring at some point in this mess, but I'll keep the update small and concise for now. I'm wondering what you all think of the Fanatic, specifically. Is an axe and a grenade too strange of a loadout? Does the head look better than the previous Catachan one? Any advice there would be great.


~ED Wargaming~