The Order of the Black Sheep have opened registration for their 2nd Annual Black Sheep Brawl for Warhammer Fantasy.  Last year was the first year for the event where yours truly walked away with Best Overall with the Wood Elves.  I fully recommend everyone taking part in this event but act fast because there are only 42 slots available for this event.

The Order of the Black Sheep will also make an appearance on Episode 27 of The Deployment Zone podcast to promote their event and talk about the success of last year's tournament. 

The plan is to partake in the event this year with the Bretonnians or Beastmen at 2400 points but we'll see how things work out after my twin daughters are born on Dec. 18th. 
Therefore if I am able to compete in the event this year, I will welcome a challenge for the title.  After all, people don't want to crown my Grand Champion two years in a row, I would be insufferable!

So ask your wives and set aside time off to make it to the Red Lion in Salem, Oregon on January 19-20 of 2013!