The final installment of the Hyperion Campaign, an original chain of battles for Warhammer 40K.  To view the previous intro and episodes, visit and the earlier related entry here at Brink’s Chaos Theory.

Part III:  The Catacombs

Beneath the surface of Hyperion lies a slumbering Necron tomb world.  This is what the Imperial archeologists had found, and had awaken.  Thus a once populous planet now lies silent but for the battle cries of Astartes and depraved Eldar (or whomever you have fighting for control).

The Victors of Episode II have entered the Catacombs through the primary entrance, the great temple that they had captured on the surface.  The Defeated of Episode II have been forced to find alternative ways into the underworld.  Both now seek what the dead Imperials had sought, the key to survival and dominance on Hyperion: the Rod of Power.  

This is a complex scenario with lots of additional rules and non-player models causing havoc.  Some additional rules are based on the results of the last game.  The winners of Part II are the Victor, while the losers are referred to as the Defeated.  If Part II was a tie, those specific rules won’t apply.

Points:  2000

Veteran’s Rewards:  Don’t forget to grant a Universal Special Rule to a new veteran unit to mark their experience (this cannot be the same unit who earned one in Episode I).
The Board:  This site within the underworld may consist of ruins and scattered archeological equipment, but must have SIX primary features that serve as objectives, ideally nercon-esque obelisks spaced at regular intervals.  These six objectives should be numbered 1 through 6 so that dice rolls (see below) yield easy results.  Objectives may be set up no closer than 12” from any board edge and should be evenly spaced. 

Deployment:  Deployment zones are 18” from the short board edge, making the battle field long and narrow.  Armies may deploy as many units as they like and may keep whatever they like in reserve.  

Units:  The catacombs are huge and both armies, in their exploration, have found large access points.  Any unit types except Flyers may be played—there’s just no room in a sealed underground environment for them.  This is the exception to the continuing forces in the campaign rules outlined in Part One.  Deepstriking and Outflanking units are permitted, however. 

First Turn: The Victors have entered through the primary entrance site while the Defeated have been forced to find other ways in, thus the Victors get the first turn (unless the Defeated can Steal the Initiative).  If Episode II was a tie, roll off.

Victory:  Each Obelisk is an objective worth one Victory Point and the player who holds the most uncontested objectives at the end of Turn Six is the winner.  The game length is set at six turns (coinciding with six objectives and The Awakening special rule below).  The trick will be to control objectives while hostile Necrons are appearing from the obelisks themselves!  The Rod of Power will count for two Victory Points at the end of the game.  The secondary objectives outlined in the 40K rulebook do not apply here.

Special Rules:
            The Awakening:  This is a dormant Necron tomb world, but won’t stay that way for long.  At the beginning of each turn roll a D6.  If the result is equal to or less than the current turn (1 on turn one, 1 or 2 on turn two, etc, and automatically on turn six) a unit of D6+2 Necron warriors emerges in a flash of green light from one of the six objectives: roll a second D6 to determine which objective the Necrons appear from and they move onto the board as described below.  If this objective is currently “held” by a player it has now become “contested” and those holding it are now under attack.
            The Necron Turn -- The first time a necron unit Awakens, a third non-player turn is created.  Since the roll occurs at the beginning of each Turn before either player has taken their turn, the necron turn happens first, followed by Player One and then Player Two, thus the necrons who have just emerged, as well as any other necron units on the board, act before either player.  If a player controls the Rod of Power (see below), whichever unit he controls will also act during the Necron Turn.  This is a normal turn with movement, shooting, and assault phases.
            Necron Behavior -- In order to facilitate fair and simple play--and because necrons are such fair and simple homicidal automatons--all necrons units will behave according to strict guidelines. 
               * Emerging necron warriors will come from the rolled obelisk as if coming from reserve, moving 6” toward the closest player unit and up to 1” from their target.  If the obelisk they come from is currently held they’ll just cluster as a squad around the objective staying 1” from the target.
               * They will always move 6” in the movement phase (less if it would bring them within 1”) and will always do so to get within their 12” double-tap range of the nearest target, and fire in the shooting phase.  Necron units not in the 12” firing range will run instead.
               * Necrons will not initiate assaults.
               * Necrons Falling Back always move toward the nearest board edge.
               * Necrons can never take possession of the Rod.
               * Note that a necron unit controlled by the Rod of Power will ignore these rules and do as commanded by their controlling player.
            The Rod of Power:  The treasure everyone seeks is the Rod of Power, an ancient Necron artifact that allows the controlling player to take command of one necron warrior unit during the necron turn. 
            Hidden Relic – The Rod is concealed within one of the six obelisks.  One Character Model in base contact with an obelisk can search it during the shooting phase – he may not shoot but his comrades can following the normal rules; simply leave him out and roll separately for a search instead.  Models in close combat cannot search for or pick up the Rod--they are too busy.  On a piece of scrap paper, write the numbers 1 through 6 in a descending column.  To search, roll a D6.  The first time an obelisk is searched the Rod will be found on the roll of 6 only.  If not successful, scratch off the 6 on the paper.  That obelisk is not the hiding spot and may not be searched again.  On the second attempt by either player (searching a new obelisk), a 5 or 6 is needed.  If not found, scratch off the 5.  This pattern will increase the probability each time a new obelisk is searched.  Search rolls must be of the highest number left on the paper or more.  Use this system to keep track of the probability of finding it with no objective searchable more than once.  Essentially, as you narrow down the possible hiding places, discovering which obelisks do not house the item, newly searched obelisks are more likely to turn out the item.  If five obelisks are searched with no result, the sixth one automatically houses the Rod.  Note that   
            Command – If a Character model possesses the Rod of Power at the beginning of the Necron Turn (after the roll to see if more deploy this turn is made), that player designates one necron unit anywhere on the board and controls it during this necron turn.  That unit does as commanded and does not adhere to the necron behavior outlined above.
            Finders Keepers – Use a marker to show which Character model has the Rod.  Only Character models (Independent, sergeants, leaders, Monstrous Creatures, etc) can wield its power.  If a unit leader held it but the unit is joined by an Independent Character, that IC must take possession (you don’t trust such a relic to a lesser officer, after all).  The Rod may be passed to friendly Characters that come within 2” but not during close combat.  It cannot be held or searched for by a vehicle (including walkers) nor by an embarked unit (though a model with it may embark on a transport after taking possession).  If the possessing model is killed by shooting attacks leave the marker on the table top where they died.  Non-Characters cannot take possession of it.  The first Character to come into contact then takes possession.  If necron models happen to end up standing on it, you may have to fight through them to get it.  If the possessing model is killed in close combat a Character in the opposing unit takes possession of it (if there isn’t one, leave it on the table. 
            True Power – At the end of Turn Six, if either player has a model in possession of the Rod of Power he gets two Victory Points.       

Victor Special Rules:
            Entrenched:  The Victors have had time to prepare for their enemy’s arrival.  Roll D3.  This is the number of units that may be set up in defensive positions.  They count as having Stealth (or simply +1 cover save stacked even if they already have Stealth) and as being in difficult terrain if assaulted.  Once a unit moves it breaks from the entrenched position and loses these benefits. 

Defeated Special Rules:
            Exploratory Assault:  The Defeated have had to find alternate ways into this main tomb chamber and thus may Outflank with up to D3 units that may not normally do so.

Necrons:  Below are the stats and rules (as I understand them) from the last codex:


            Gause Flayer: R24”  S4  AP5  Rapid Fire, Gauss (any armor pen roll of a 6 causes a Glancing hit, unless it would normally Penetrate)
            Reanimation Protocols:  The short version is they get back up on a 5 or 6 at the end of the phase, if the unit isn’t falling back or destroyed.  For the complex, more detailed version see the new Necron Codex.  

* * *

Did you follow all that?  Kind of complicated but I think it’d be great fun.  Now I just need a handful of necron warriors and someone to run the campaign with....