Bases are relatively easy to paint, fast too... But they're something that I'm often guilty of rushing through at the very end of a project, in order to combat this and give some love to the bases I decided to paint them first, and all at once to hopefully capture a uniform type feel for my next Infinity Unit. I did use an Airbrush though... I'm still getting used to my new one...

Start Positions!
I started with a white undercoat. Another thing I don't do too often... I missed a few cracks here and there, but it would be passable.

Step one: Asphalt
A little bit of tape...
Used a dark grey and then a lighter grey for the asphalt. Remember Asphalt isn't a uniform color. The more used it is, the more patchy it is, so I just went a little crazy and drew some aimless shapes... I think I wrote my name a couple of times... How narcissistic is that? Then I added some masking tape and started the blue

The Blue

The Blue... but lighter...
 With the white primer I used a dark blue kind of sparingly; again I wanted to look to be slightly used. Then I went around the cracks with a much lighter blue, giving it a worn non-uniform look.

More tape!

After the asphalt and blue tiles were done I taped again and started on the curb. I wanted it to be a lighter color but not white, so I went with the lightest and second lightest grey I could find. The lightest grey was for around the cracks. The second lightest was for the base color.
And done for the day...
I stopped here for the day. Time elapsed so far: 78 minutes. Not bad for 25 bases... Details tomorrow...