I know it's been a long time between posts, but please excuse me while I get this off my chest.

Over the years I've built up quite a collection. I've been involved in my plastic crack addiction since 1986. In recent times I've been against having to pay higher prices for an implied service that I don't receive.
GW said it in their open letter some time ago that they invest more money in to the hobby through their stores than online retailers and independents. True or not, I personally don't give a rats ass and don't care to argue the point either way. You see, there is no GW store in my distant part of Australia on that little island so fondly associated with a woman's pubic region, and I do believe in user pays systems. Services offered come at a price and I don't mind paying for services rendered.
For that reason, in the past I haven't minded paying a bit extra for my son's use of the GW hobby centres. We don't live together and as such he doesn't have access to my supplies, so it was always nice that he could go in to one of their stores and while away a Saturday painting his miniatures using the resources on offer at the store, as well as get the over excited advice from the red cordial loaded staff members on painting techniques and what not.
But times, they are a changin'. In my regular weekly call with my kids, my boy informs me that he now has to take his own materials and equipment. Excuse me? Gone are the days of the open paint tables. Now they're just tables without paint. Of course he can still play a game or two there, but then again he could do that at any number of venues without the over enthusiastic, red cordial induced, zealot breathing down his neck. As for the tables, well he has a perfectly good work space at home.
What's the explanation now GW? Where's the value added service? Remind me again why we're paying more than the rest of the world?
If it's just to keep your stores open, then you might as well close the doors now. They offer no better service than any other store. The value add is gone. The argument you have used is now invalid! So tell me again why you want me to pay more for your product in Australia? And let me remind you of the following.
You don't give us value added services.
I can get painting advice from any number of blogs for no more than the cost of my Internet connection.
I don't have access to one of your bricks and mortar stores at all.
I could send my son to any number of other gaming clubs for free, and he wouldn't be hassled for a sale. Or should I say hustled?
From one retailer to another, you're doing it wrong!
And with that I can now, in absolute honesty say, thanks for nothing!