So in my pre ions post I said I would look at what I need in my main force to create a balanced list, there are a few rules I try to keep to when building lists.

1. 5 troop choices at 2000pts is a must, a 6th troop option is nice, any less is suicide.
2. 2/6 of the missions give extra scoring units to fast attack and heavy support, bare this in mind.
3. First blood is huge, it can cost you games, be careful with units you build, giving away first blood cheaply is a blow

Next up, I always think of the most common things you will come across and making sure you can deal with them.

1. Flyers, they are horrid to play against if you don't have the tools, flyers can single handedly win games, but can loss you games if you invest to much into them. I think 2 flyers or 4 flyers are the perfect numbers.

2. Ability to kill mass infantry and hordes. This means lots of shooting, templates, blasts, large blasts and high rof weapons. Take into consideration even 30 guardsmen in a ruin going to ground get a 3+ save, and units still score whilst going to ground.

3. Tanks, they are still here, and if your not prepared they can be harder to shift. Monstrous creates are also the same, is you can take out tanks you can deal with mc, as most weapons that hurt one, hurt the other.

4. Beat stick units. These are the units that if your not careful will go through you like a knife through butter ( anyone know the quote), have options in your list to deal with them.

These are the 4 most common annoyances in 40k at the moment, and without the right tools, will be a struggle for you.

With this in mind we can now go on to producing the main core of necrons. The next post will show I tackle this points, and the way I go about building my lists to deal with them.