So after defining what the army needs to be able to achieve, and now it's onto the list building.
The ally section of my army come to 410pts, this gets me:

Chaos sorcerer
Mastery level 3

30 cultists
3 flamers


So that leaves me 1590pts to play with. After each unit I will describe why I choose this unit, how they will be used etc.

Necron primary force:

Necron overlord
War scythe
Mind shackle scarabs

Catacombe command barge

This is my main lord, armed with his weapon he hits hard, he adds a av13 vehicle to the list, sweep attacks make him a theat to vehicles, his combat punch with d6 str 6 hammer of wrath attacks add more punch. He gains a 2+ save and fearless due to being in a chariot, making him annoying to deal with.the catacombe barge gets a tesla weapon adding more shots to the list.

Destroyer lord
War scythe
Mind shackle scarabs
Sempiternal weaves

So with jump pack movement, high strength and toughness, war scythe, a 2+ he is a solid combat character, his t6 stops instant death hits, so he can take hits for the unit he joins. Preferred enemy makes him and his unit that little bit more deadly in combat. He won't be a warlord as he will be in the thick of it the whole time.

5 necron warriors

Night scythe

5 necron warriors

Night scythe

Two fast mobile scoring units, cheap and cheerful at 165 including the night scythe. The night scythes are one of the best flyers, probably the best all round, it's deployment of troops is better than any other, if it dies, the warriors go into on going reserve and take no damage, overall it's a solid choice.hence why we have two of them in the list.

10 immortals

Night scythe

So the same idea as the guys above, however these guys have more staying power and more damage output., these are used to take those more difficult object, using tesla weapons , trying to gain those extra shots. The 3+ save over the warriors makes sure these guys are there to stay in the objective, add that with will be back, and we have a solid objective grabber

5 necron warriors

this is a small 5 man unit purely to sit on home objectives, this allows the blob of cultist and sorcerer to push forward if there weight is needed upfront. It's 65pts of scoring, to stop first blood being given away, the hold in reserve and come in later in the game

5 wraiths

this is the destroyer lords body guard, fast, ignore terrain, high str, rending, 4 attacks each and hammer of wrath hits, add the 3+save and 3++ invulnerable. They can't beak a tough unit to crack, the t4 and 2 wounds can be an issue, however The Lord takes the heavy hits with his t6, stopping the missile instant deathing wraiths. This is my second counter punch unit, along with the catacombe Combe barge give me to units to hits with.

8 scarabs

scarabs are faster in this addition, and there ability to to reduce armour for the rest of the game, and with lots of attacks, then can make even a land raider wince. There speed allows me to hit infantry squads quickly, and also help bail out my units if they are in trouble.

Annihilation barge

Annihilation barge

Annihilation barge

av13, 3 hull points, constant jink save, and one of the most all round guns i the game, with 6's to hit granting two additional hits, this units anti air capability is devastating, str 7 means it can hurt all flyers to. It's even better at killing transports, and weighs in well against everyhting else, also gain the 2 shot str 5 version underneath it can lay some serious fire power down.

So that's the list,

4 flyers
4 av13 vehicles.
Mobile troops
Big blob of troops
Psychic access
Anti air
And combat units

What you guys think.

Dice Jesus out.