One finely painted and flocked Realm of Battle gameboard for sale!

I have decided to downsize my gaming gear. This board is a nice bit of kit, some lovely details, but I just never use it. When I bought it I expected to get a few games with it, but these days I just go round to a friend's house for all my gaming, so it's just taking up room in the house.

I painted it with a variety of acrylic paints, then added various flocks, hoping to get a realistic finish. The flock has been sealed with a layer of dilute PVA glue, there's no mess involved with setting up and playing, no showers of green snow to annoy the wife/girlfriend/cleaning staff.

All the rock areas are well distinguished from the flat areas, I wanted to ensure there were no disputes over what constitutes high and low ground. Similarly, the terrain features such as the pits of skulls and other paving areas are very well defined, so they can be nominated as difficult ground if required, but mostly because they look nice.

Hopefully, a UK gamer is on the lookout for a fully prepared gaming board. If you are interested, here is the link on ebay.

EDIT The board is still up for sale, at a reduced price. It's now costs less than the RRP, is painted and sealed, saving you lots of time and materials!