Hi guys and girls, dice jesus reporting in.

so tonight's weekly gaming night is upon me, and after playing my nids last week, i have the urge to play a faster more aggressive army.

I have recently started a new project, of which a post will be up on the blog later about how its developed in to what it is.

Tonight game will be the usual 2000pt game, against my good friend tom. He has informed me he will be playing his guard army.

Now i dont change my list when playing against people, my lists are always TAC lists ( take all comers).

The list is roughly:

Keeper of secrets, exalted gift, greater gift, lv 3

great unclean one, 2 greater gifts, lv 3

10 plague bearers with champ

10 plague bearers with champ

10 plague bearers with champ

20 seekers of slaanesh with champ

daemon prince, mark of slaanesh, wing, armour, 2 greater gifts, lv 2

daemon prince, mark of slaanesh, wing, armour, 2 greater gifts, lv 2

daemon prince, mark of slaanesh, wing, armour, 2 greater gifts, lv 2

the list is designed to be exceptionally fast, hitting the opponent hard in turn two.
the keeper of secrets takes portal, to be able to produce small troop units for free, probably taking horrors to add shooting into the list.

the GUO deepstrikes in, preferable near enemy deployment, hoping to gain me line breaker, he will also be my warlord as with3 rolls on biomancy and two greater roll he is going to be hard to kill.

20 seekers add an exceptionally fast unit into the army, and look to hit big blobs of troops and removed them quickly.

plague bearers sit on objective and go to ground, claiming the 2+ cover save.

the 2 flying dp's all take lash to get 2d6 shooting attacks at their strength, and with rolling on biomancy, that can become stronger if iron arm is rolled. all the dp's go for biomancy, attempting to buff themsleves into killing machines.

the keeper of secrets takes telepathy. invisibilty would be the best roll to get for him, however puppet master and a few other are very good choices.

most of the time, i will refuse a flank, crush one side and move on. this way i can try to limit how much damage is taken to my army.

the plague bearers and seeker champions are there to stop the gd or dp taking a bad warp storm roll.

overall the list has potential, but i will have a much better idea of how good it can be, most importantly the list looks fun to play, with lots of random rolls, combat, shooting, fast moving.

tonight will be interesting, guard are a volume of shooting army, although they lack the quality and effectiveness of tau shooting, they make up for it in quantity. Guard have always been a headache army for me, although i do well against them, i always feel its an uphill struggle. However this experience comes from my tau, who i have to out shoot them. tonight i will be going for the juggler, attempting to disable the majority by turn three. there afterwords its about playing the mission if the plan has stalled, or going for tabling.

from this point on words the army shall be referred to as " beauty and the beast " due to its slaanesh and nurgle theme. the subtitle will forever be " go big or go home" which is defiantly a daemon armies feel.

D.jesus out.