So I finished my first game with my daemons against toms guard.

He had a lot of armour, including a pask punisher, two eradicates, two hydras, two vendettas and about 5 chimeras and 2 hellhounds!

Backed with the typical amount of guardsmen.

We played the scouring with long deployment. Tom gained the 3 extra scoring units, I gained one.

I had gone for a refused flank. Away from hydras, utilising buildings to block Los.

I stole the intiative, which was maybe the second time in 100+ games.... By turn two I had first blood, with 4 mc'd in line breaker. I really crushed his flank, it was crippled by the end if turn two and I lost two wounds on a dp.

My seekers also dropped in his deployment and ran to the middle, however everything he had left( about 70%) blew 20 seekers off the board Jon a single shooting phase.

This gained him a kill point, however in my turn three my plan came into effect, destroying all three of his fast attack selections, gaining me 3 kp's, his centre was beginning to fold, and the rest of his army went down my denied flank.

However I was lined up ready for turn four, with his warlord, troop unit on objective, the game was out of reach i was sitting 12-5 on vp's

This thursday will see the daemons run out again, with tom being the opponent, it seems as though he will be using either guard of khorne marines, so interesting either way.