
So, whilst messing about on Facebooks (yes I know I used an ‘s’) the other day I spotted a page shared by a fellow #warmonger for a competition to win some concrete Jersey barriers from Tiny Worlds Wargaming.

Being a site that likes nothing better than to shine a light on companies fellow wargamers may have never heard of I immediately got in touch. And being the thoroughly nice buggers that they are, they sent me a set of the barriers to review.

And they looked a little bit like this…


More to the point, when they’re painted, they look like this…

jersey_barriers_set3-500x500I think you’ll agree, they look awesome. But more to the point, they really are awesome. That lovely photo from Tiny Worlds‘ website is as perfect a representation of the quality of the barriers you can get short of owning some. And you should. Because they’re awesome.

It may seem odd to get all gushy about a set of barriers but allow me to explain. Not that you have a choice. Aside from being superbly, perfectly, crisply cast, the design is incredibly intelligent. These barriers would fit into just about any modern, near future, sci-fi, cyberpunk, or sci-horror 28/30mm game you care to name. There’s just enough normality in the design that they can fit in with a modern conflict game. Equally they have that touch of the sci-fi about them that they won’t stick out like a sore thumb on an Infinity board right through to 40k. But the beauty of it is that the chaps at Tiny Worlds understand that no matter how far advanced humanity gets, some shapes will just stay the same.

But that’s not even the best bit. The best bit is that the set of three has undamaged, slightly damaged and totally fucked barriers to choose from. Just to be clear that’s my wording, not theirs. And, again, the damage has been sculpted with great care. None of it overtly screams sci-fi. Nothing looks like it’s been melted or hacked up by a lightsabre. Most of it screams small arms and high explosives which is fairly universal stuff. And the stress fractures and spidering is just inspired. As is the crumbled corners and the impact craters.  It’s all just very expertly done.

Of course, there’s also the fact that because they’re so nicely done the effort required to paint them is minimal. A cheeky wash will highlight all the details. Not hacking, drilling, stabbing and filing to make things look worn. Oh no. Just paint. Simply. And quickly. And they’ll look awesome. And you’ll feel smug. And women will throw themselves at you… Okay maybe not the last part.

The nice thing is that a single set will tart up quite a lot of board. And the undamaged stuff you can put near base lines as the further away from the fighting you are the less you need to hide behind things. And because of the barriers’ universal design you can accessories other building kits easily enough and they won’t look out of place.

I’m really blown away by the quality of the barriers which only means good things for Tiny Worlds‘ other stuff. It’s all so crisp and lovely. And only £17.50 for the set. This may seem steep to some but seeing as the Aegis defence line from GW is £18 and made of plastic. And nowhere near as gorgeous.

The Concrete Jersey Barrier set is available from Tiny Worlds along with piles of other awesome stuff.