As of this moment, I am now on vacation! Taking tomorrow off to get everything squared away and packed up for the trip out to Indy - it's going to be an absolute blast! Gonna get in a couple games of Deathwatch and Only War (40k:RPG), some MERCS as well as some Shadowrun (we're going to be starting up a home campaign soon) and I'm going to play some OGRE with one of the guys from Steve Jackson Games. ...Not that the Kickstarter for it has arrived yet. The one that funded in May of 2012.
I did spend a little time working on the Rapier, and laid down the base fatigues and armor plate colors. I'd originally thought I'd do the armor plates on the Rapier and Thudd Gun in grey like the flak armor on the guard, but in retrospect I'm thinking they'd look better in the vehicle black and red. Thoughts?
If you're going to be in Indy for GenCon and want to meet up for a pint, drop me an email and we'll figure something out!
GenCon Bound! …And some more guard.
by Mordian7th | Aug 12, 2013