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Followers on Twitter will have gotten wind by now that Lee (@leefaccini) and I will be setting sail for the Olde World after a break of a fair few years. Rather than run the risk of starting with great gumption and fizzling out after gathering too many models and those models gathering too little paint, we’ll be embarking on a Tale of Two Armies.

The concept is common enough and been attempted by the various White Dwarf teams over the years under the title of a Tale of Two Gamers, but let’s be honest; you’re all far more interested in the toys than Lee and I.

So, what’s the plan? Well, put simply we shall be collecting two brand spanking new armies. Lee shall be collecting Empire and I shall be doing a pure Khorne Warriors of Chaos army.

Following from the review of the Warhammer rulebook coming up in the next few days, we’ll be reviewing our respective army books and then we’ll get down to the nitty gritty of collecting armies and kicking face…and remembering which end of the brush you’re supposed to put the paint on.

The rules will be simple:

Each month we shall collect and paint 500 points of our chosen army and play a game. As an incentive if a unit is unpainted when we meet up for the game we won’t be allowed to use it. The target will be 3,000 points after which point we’ll reward ourselves with something large and barmy from Forge World as a centre piece.

Alongside hobby articles chronicling our progress and battle reports they’ll also be reviews of all the units we collect and a growing narrative which will expand after each game is fought. Regular readers and followers will by now have heard of Ludwig Von Bomburg, Lee’s mercenary captain for Mordheim. He will be leading the Empire army in this tale in the days before he became an alcohol guzzling, womanising boar.

It’s an exciting challenge for us as between time commitments on my part and Lee taking a million years to paint anything we both struggle to complete projects and we’re looking forward to sharing it with you all. And as you may have seen at the top of the page, every article about A Tale of Two Armies will feature that banner as well as the tag. And it wouldn’t be possible without the truly humbling level of support given to The Shell Case by Firestorm Games.

So stay tuned folks…