
For those who may a concern. I'm not dead!!!!!!

Nope, with a wedding to plan (2 weeks to go), final year of uni, and a summer of work i thought it best to take some time away from blogging. I felt I couldn't have given anything of worth. But fear not.

I have been gaming, a lot of 40k. 6th edition is now in full motion.  I've learnt a lot over the past few weeks, really coming to grips with my tau.

Tau are really shinning in sixth. I think with the latest release of space marines, you can make some really solid list, making up for their terrible troops and even worse maneuverability of those troops. My initial thought is white scars biker. Who are possibly the best a marine player can get.

Elder have some interesting uses, I feel they struggle on their own, but with allies or as allies they really pull through.

Chaos in my eyes have tailed off, only the heldrake worth it's weight in points.

Daemons have settled, and added a strong and interesting army to the mix.

40m is in good shape atm. I'm waiting for tyranids to drop, my bids have played 2 games of 6th, and although I won both, I enjoyed neither games.


I will be posting my latest tau list and thoughts later so you can see my train of thought with 6th