The Deployment Zone’s Black Spiral Campaign
Chapter 5: Judgment

Hello everyone and welcome to Chapter 5 of the Black Spiral Campaign.  I would like to thank everyone for the 62 submissions we received which has triggered this final plot development.  The Campaign itself has received 226 total submissions and I would like to thank every player that contributed to the campaign.  The results will be read over the Deployment Zone Podcast in January of 2014 along with the raffle winners.  Thank you again for playing and enjoy the final chapter!

[[Transmission Initiated]]
[[Inquisitorial Servitor Drone Sigma- One One Four Two]]
[[Location: Aboard the Space Hulk determined to be the Eldar Craftworld of Alcazzara]]
[[Atmospheric Conditions: Faint Atmosphere, suitable breathing conditions for Homo sapiens]]
[[Gravity Conditions: Unstable, Gravity Stabilization systems aboard the Craftworld seem damaged; gravity fluctuates randomly for undetermined periods of time.]]
[[Initiating Return Protocols]]
[Transmission Terminated]]


Servitor Program – Ios V872.113 Alpha
[[Inquisitorial Conclave Concordance – Calixian Conclave]]
[[Facial Recognition Program Engaged…]]
[[Facial Recognition Program Executed.]]
[[Initiated Vox-recorder]]

[Inquisitor Alexius Morgenson] – You dispatched a Vindicare without consulting the Council?  You have passed judgment on one of our fellow Inquisitors without even the benefit of a trial?  You have gone too far this time Gerin, too far!

[Inquisitor Gerin Osvalt] – Alexius, Leviticus has already passed beyond the realm of reasonable justification for his actions.  He has launched attacks on Imperial sites as well as Xenos sites to claim the arcaneotech.  He just authorized the virus bombing of a planet without…

[Inquisitor Alexius Morgenson] – A Xenos planet...

[Inquisitor Gerin Osvalt] – A planet, none the less without sanction of this Council.  He has also engaged in a space battle with members of the Thelandira craftworld.  I have had to dispatch Astares to the region to discourage all-out war with the Eldar craftworld. 

[Inquisitor Dregor Thane] – I am aware that the Eldar are concerned about Leviticus obtaining this arcaenotech but do any of us actually think he will be able to make it work?  Are we perhaps over-reacting to the thought of a threat rather than an actual concern? 

[Inquisitor Gerin Osvalt] – No, the threat is all too real.  Far too real for my liking.

[Inquisitor Alexius Morgenson] – Why do you say that Gerin?  What have you not told us?

[Inquisitor Gerin Osvalt] – The Farseer of the Craftworld Thelandira contacted me; he said that this is not the first time that the Black Spiral has been discovered.  A piece of the Black Spiral was discovered shortly after the Horus Heresy by the Enemy…  If not for the timely intervention by the Ulthwe` Craftworld and their theft of the artifact then I fear the forces of the Great Enemy would have had the Black Spiral millennia ago.  And while their theft was a success, it was not before the enemy had learned some of the technology involved in designing the weapon.

[Inquisitor Alexius Morgensen] – How come we have never encountered this technology before then if the Enemy possesses it?

[Inquisitor Gerin Osvalt] – Oh but we have before, many times.  The Planet Killer destroyed the worlds of Macharia and Urthwart. 

[Inquisitor Alexius Morgensen] – You mean that the Black Spiral was originally found by…

[Inquisitor Gerin Osvalt] – Abaddon…

[Inquisitor Ilyana Vort] – Are you saying that the Armageddon gun is based off the Black Spiral?

[Inquisitor Gerin Osvalt] – Yes, and you are all aware of the devastation that weapon can bring.  Imagine that weapon on a grander scale and that is what we are facing if we do not stop Leviticus Hexx and quickly.  We can not risk Abaddon learning of the weapon being sighted again or even worse finding Leviticus before we do.

[Inquisitor Dregor Thane] – So that is why you dispatched the Vindicare so quickly. 

[Inquisitor Gerin Osvalt] – Yes and had the Eldar been more forthcoming with their information, I would have dispatched resources to prevent this from happening long ago.  I can only hope I acted in time.

[[Recording Ended]]


[[Aboard the Ulthwe` Craftworld]]

Warseer Corin Tahl’Veras– The signs and portents have foretold of this event Autarch.  The Council has made their decision.  It is up to you to lead our forces should this monkeigh take the wrong path.

Ranger-General Sylvos Greystorm – I am aware Warseer but I will mobilize our forces and enter the webway.

Warseer Corin Tahl-Veras  - The Seer Council shall join you in this endeavor Ranger-General.  The Black Spiral can not be awakened again.  We shall attend you to ensure its capture.

Ranger-General Sylvos Greystorm – As always, your presence and guidance are welcome Warseer. 

Warseer Corin Tahl-Veras – Oh we shall be doing more than guiding, we intend to fight!  A vision of a Black Cross on a white field looms heavily over this endeavor; I fear we may have another player in the game.  We must make haste but take heed.


[[Aboard the Black Templar Strike Cruiser “Journey’s End”]]
[[Pict Recorder Footage – Imperial Date 4thday of the 2nd Lunar Cycle of the Taros System, Dominion of Storms region]]

[[Sword-Brother Heinrich]]– Marshal , we have verified the whereabouts of the Silent Retribution.  It is currently heading towards the Corinthe system within the Dominion of Storms.  You were right to set us on this course.

[[Marshal Grayson Maddox]] – Excellent, we will set a course to intercept.

[[Sword-Brother Heinrich]] – Yes Marshall, at once.

[[Marshal Grayson Maddox]] – You may come out of the shadows Assassin.  I tolerate your presence on my ship but I will not tolerate eavesdropping.  I assume that you heard we are on target to intercept the Inquisitor.  Good.  Until then stay off my bridge unless summoned.  Now be gone.                             

[[End Transmission]]

[[Transmission Initiated]]
[[Inquisitorial Servitor Drone Sigma- One One Four Two]]
[[Location: Aboard the Space Hulk determined to be the Eldar Craftworld of Alcazzara]]
[[Atmospheric Conditions: Faint Atmosphere, suitable breathing conditions for Homo Sapiens]]
[[Gravity Conditions: Unstable, Gravity Stabilization systems aboard the Craftworld seem damaged; gravity fluctuates randomly for undetermined periods of time.]]
[[Pictrecorder Activated]]

Leviticus Hexx– What is the status Lieutenant?  Have the workers finished assembling the Black Spiral?

Lt. Aaron Maxwell– Yes sir, they are putting the finishing touches as per your instructions as we speak.  The weapon will be ready to be brought online soon sir.

Leviticus Hexx– Excellent, you know Lieutenant we are on the cusp of the Imperium’s salvation.  This weapon will bring about the supremacy of the Emperor’s light and peace throughout the galaxy.  They very may elevate me to Sainthood you know.  Yes a saint indeed!  Saint Leviticus!  The Sword of the Emperor they may call me, imagine a universe where Chaos does not exist and where man no longer has to fear the dark.  Where through divine providence I shall bring abou…

Lt. Aaron Maxwell– Sir?

Leviticus Hexx– …salvation through the very words of the Emperor of Mankind himself.  I shall deliver unto…

Lt. Aaron Maxwell  - Sir, we have reports of multiple ships entering the subsystem and heading this way.

Leviticus Hexx– the salvation of mankind and ..what?  How many ships you say?

Lt. Aaron Maxwell– It appears to be an Imperial Strike Cruiser and 3 Destroyer Support Ships and also what appears to be a Dragon Class Eldar Cruiser and 2 Nightshade Class Destroyers coming from another sector.  All of them are heading this way on what seems to be an intercept course.

Leviticus Hexx– No!  Quickly, have the captain send a contingent of soldiers here and then have him take the Silent Retribution and try to lure the ships away from the Space Hulk so that we can continue to bring the Black Spiral online!  Quickly now relay that message!

[[Transmission Interrupted]]


[[Transmission Restored]]
[[Inquisitorial Servitor Drone Sigma- One One Four Two]]
[[Pictrecorder Activated]]

Lt. Aaron Maxwell – Sir the Silent Retribution was able to lure the ships away.

Leviticus Hexx – Then bring the weapon online!

Lt. Aaron Maxwell- Sir!  The units deployed around the perimeter are reporting drop pod touch downs and spatial anomalies all over the area.

Leviticus Hexx– Tell them to marshal their forces and prepare for assault.  We must get this weapon online!

[[Transmission Interrupted]]

[[Transmission Restored]]
[[Inquisitorial Servitor Drone Sigma- One One Four Two]]
[[Pictrecorder Activated]]

Lt. Aaron Maxwell– Sir the weapon is ready to be fired.  But we are hearing weird reports of attacks all over the ship.

Leviticus Hexx– Target the Dragon Class Eldar ship and hurry!

Lt. Aaron Maxwell– Sir the Eldar ship has been targeted.

[Farseer Gilleath]Inquisitor, please do not pursue this course of action.  Do not activate the weapon.

Leviticus Hexx– Get out of my head witch!

Lt. Aaron Maxwell – Sir?

[Farseer Gilleath]Please Leviticus, do not jeopardize everyone by pursuing this path of madness.  The weapon is unstable.  You did not assemble it correctly. You have already murdered one world please do not include the galaxy in your quest of madness.  You are opening rifts to the warp all over the ship.   If you do not stop…

Leviticus Hexx – Begone from my mind witch!  I will not be swayed by your twisted lies and honeyed words.  You are in league with the Great Enemy!  You seek to steal the weapon for yourselves!  I will save the Imperium!  I will save everyone!

[Farseer Gilleath]I’m so sorry Leviticus, I wish this could have ended differently.

Lt. Aaron Maxwell– The weapon is ready sir, at your command I’ll initiate the firing sequen…

Leviticus Hexx– No, I shall fire the weapon. Move over Lieutenant, the salvation of the Imperium begins…

Lt. Aaron Maxwell– Sir!  Inquisitor!  Silent Retribution this is Lt. Aaron Maxwell.  The Inquisitor is down; I repeat the Inquisitor is down!  We need a medic down here. We…

[Transmission Interrupted]

[Vindicare Assassin] – Assassin to Marshal Maddox.  The target has been neutralized.  I repeat.  The target has been neutralized.

Servitor Program – Ios V872.113 Alpha
[[Inquisitorial Conclave Concordance – Calixian Conclave]]
[[Facial Recognition Program Engaged…]]
[[Facial Recognition Program Executed.]]
[[Initiated Vox-recorder]]

[Inquisitor Dregor Thane] – The Vindicare Assassin reports that the once he had assassinated former Inquisitor Leviticus Hexx that a large portal opened up next to the Black Spiral weapon and dozens of Eldar wearing Black and Bone colored uniforms spilled out of it.  They were accompanied by several large Ogrun sized constructs that our records identify as Wraithguard who carried the weapon through the portal. 

[Inquisitor Gerin Osvalt] – And what of the Black Templars?  How did our Astares fare? 

[Inquisitor Dregor Thane] – The Templars were assaulted by both Eldar bearing purple and red uniforms which bear the markings of the Craftworld Thelandira and also Daemons that were spilling forth from rifts and portals that were opening up all over the Space Hulk.  The daemonic incursions became so numerous that the Eldar and Templars were forced to fight alongside each other in a desperate alliance until the Eldar bearing what we now identify as the Ulthwe` craftworld markings came to their aid.  The three forces were able to fight off and expel the daemonic incursions then both Eldar forces withdrew and disappeared without a sound.

[Inquisitor Alexis Morgensen] – And what of the Black Spiral?  Did we recover any of it?

[Inquisitor Dregor Thane] – It appears that the Eldar disappeared with all traces of the artefact through the portal. 

[Inquisitor Gerin Osvalt] – That is unfortunate but at the same time it appears that our immediate crisis has been averted.  The Eldar will more than likely hide that weapon away once again as they were none too eager to have it operational in the first place.  It also appears that we will need to launch an investigation into what caused our Inquisitor to fall to madness but for now let us move on to other matters.  Next on the agenda…

[[Transmission Ended]]


On behalf of the Deployment Zone Podcast and my blog, we thank you for your participation in the Deployment Zone’s Black Spiral Campaign.  Due to the success of this campaign where we fielded the results of over 200 games (226 games to be exact), I will be running another 40k and Fantasy campaign in 2014. 

Thank you again and Happy Holidays!