Before I head onto the Prince of Pleasure, lets talk mono Nurgle Lists. Due to the troops you have available in you choose to stick with just the god of pestilence, you won’t be able to make massive variations to your force. But you can have some mini themes regardless, that will still allow for quite a bit of variance in play style and tactics required.
All the lists will be 1,500 points, because that’s what the Throne of Skulls in the UK uses and I don’t see too many tournaments in the UK using a higher points limit.
Monstrous Hoard

A Monstrous Creature heavy army, from the NurgleonBass blog.
Theres nothing of subtlety here. Just walk forward and crush anything that gets too close. Use the Daemon princes with wings to lock down your opponents movement options.
Great Unclean One. Level 3 Psyker. 240 points
Great Unclean One. Level 3 Psyker 240 points
12 Plaguebearers. 108 points
12 Plaguebearers. 108 points
5 Nurgling bases 75 points
Daemon Prince of Nurgle. Wings, Warp Forged Armour. 1 Exalted Reward. Level 2 Pysker. 300 points
Daemon Prince of Nurgle. Wings, Warp Forged Armour. 1 Exalted Reward 250 points
Soul Grinder of Nurgle. Warp Gaze. 175 points
Total: 1496 points
The Pestilent Hoard
Weight of numbers and survivability is the name of the game here, with some armoured support to help crack tough nuts. Bog down your opponent and wear them down by simply being able to outlast them, along with a few surprises.
Herald of Nurgle. Lesser Reward. Greater Locus of Fecundity. 80 points
Herald of Nurgle. Lesser Reward. Greater Locus of Fecundity. 80 points
Herald of Nurgle. Lesser Reward. Greater Locus of Fecundity. 80 points
Herald of Nurgle. Lesser Reward. Lesser Locus of Virulence. 65 points
20 Plaguebearers. Icon and Instrument of Chaos. Plagueridden with Lesser Reward 215 points
20 Plaguebearers. Icon and Instrument of Chaos. Plagueridden with Lesser Reward 215 points
15 Plaguebearers. Icon and Instrument of Chaos. Plagueridden with Lesser Reward 170 points
4 Plague Drones. Plaguebringer with Lesser Reward. 183 points
Soul Grinder of Nurgle. Warp Gaze, Phlegm Bombardment. 205 points
Soul Grinder of Nurgle. Warp Gaze, Phlegm Bombardment. 205 points
Total: 1498 points

Now thats a Hoard! Models painted by the This – is – PAINT! Blog
Creeping Death
It’s not as if you will ever have a lightning fast force using Nurgle only models. But by emphasising the faster elements of the force, hopefully you can lock down an opponents powerful units, allowing Troops to Deep Strike in late to the game for some sneaky objective claiming.
Daemon Prince of Nurgle. Wings, Warp Forged Armour. 1 Exalted Reward 250 points
Daemon Prince of Nurgle. Wings, Warp Forged Armour. 1 Exalted Reward 250 points
10 Plaguebearers 90 points
10 Plaguebearers 90 points
10 Plaguebearers 90 points
3 Beasts of Nurgle 156 points
3 Beasts of Nurgle 156 points
4 Plague Drones. Death’s Heads. Plaguebringer with Lesser Reward. 203 points
4 Plague Drones. Death’s Heads. Plaguebringer with Lesser Reward. 203 points
Total: 1488 points
Bringing it all together…
A bit more of a balanced force than any other of the forces, this utilizes fast and hard-hitting elements to support a solid defensive troops section that can defend objectives.
After all, its objectives that win a game in most scenarios.
Great Unclean One. Level 3 Psyker. 240 points
Herald of Nurgle. Lesser Reward. Greater Locus of Fecundity. 80 points
Herald of Nurgle. Lesser Reward. Greater Locus of Fecundity. 80 points
10 Plaguebearers. Icon and Instrument of Chaos. Plagueridden with Lesser Reward. 125 points
10 Plaguebearers. Icon and Instrument of Chaos. Plagueridden with Lesser Reward. 125 points
10 Plaguebearers. Icon and Instrument of Chaos. Plagueridden with Lesser Reward. 125 points
6 Plague Drones. Plague Banner. Plagueridden, 1 Lessser Reward. 307 points
Soul Grinder of Nurgle. Warp Gaze. 175 points
Daemon Prince of Nurgle. Wings and Armour of Damnation. 1 Greater Reward.
Total: 1497pts

A great Nurgle themed army, first displayed on the Spikey Bits site
So there you have it- some list ideas to go with my prior Nurgle Tacticas. Combine the two and get gaming already!