Ok, so the title come across as very egotistical, but stay with me.

So since the eldar release I have really hit the eldar hard again. Eldar is the natural 40k army for me, especially as it was my first army in 40k all those moons ago.

manuvereavility and flexibility is key in 6th, and eldar have more tools than Bob the Builders bag. My knowledge on playing eldar over many editions has lead me to a great understanding of unit synergy, mobility, board control and fire lanes. These aspect for an eldar player don't change over the editions, just which units you have to utilise to allow these abilities.

But more recently I've advanced my game, one reason is my hopes of qualifying for the England etc team, a dream if mine. To do this next year I will attempt to compete in 8-10 tournaments over the year. This has lead me to up my game, improve my knowledge on rules, lists and tactics. 

This has lead to significant changes in my lists and my view on winning. In the past I would be concerned my list would need to be as "hard" as humanly possible, trimmed, lean, efficient. This lead to similar lists, with a certain vibe to them ( multiples of units, over spend on deathstars, lack of troops I.e 4 in 2k). This had a tendency to win big, probably about 75% of the time, this isn't a problem in casual gaming. However in a tournament, 75% won't cut it if I want to achieve my ambitions.

So for a month or two I started taking armies which I thought would be fun, thematic or just interesting to play against.

My results were mixed, becoming more of a 50/50 ratio. However, what I learnt was the appreciation of new units, tactis and above all else new ways to win.

You see, playing strong armies can often lead to be careless, you don't think about what your doing until the start of your turn, you rely on just beig able to beat face.

I started planning my games out, 2-3 turns ahead. I delveloped deployment strategies, understanding the foundations of the game and it's mechanics. I started taking notes on every game, taking down key moments, my mistakes and what I could of done differently. 

After a couple of dozen games, I started to plan my lists with all this knowledge. Taking what I've learnt, with units I felt I had a good understanding with and adding them to the units I knew I was lacking from previous more refined lists. 

Over the last 6 weeks I have played 8
games of 40k. Against a wide range of solid and competitive lists.  In these 8 games, I have won all of them. Not through having a "beardy" list, but winning through working hard. All of our games have been fun, and many have gone down to the wire, this is probably the best thing. Neither of us have felt like the game was pointless or over without a fight. They've been more fun and to be honest that's the most important thing.

The secondary bonus for me is I can see the smallest light and the end of the tunnel that is my long term goal, not only am I taking list which won't be seen as "net lists", I'm playing the way I want, with what I want.

I'm going to be posting up what will be 95% of the list I run with for the circuit, the only tweaks will be points and formats. 

The list will be surprising, it will have elements you won't expect, along with ones you will. I will analyse every detail of it, I will explain what I do with the units, what I want to achieve with them and why I want them to do things.

Hopefully it will give you an insight into my thinking, and who knows I might just surprise you with a few things. Anyway that's enough from me.

Peace out 

Dice Jesus