So here's my list. Under each il write a a little piece on each unit.

Ok here goes:

+ HQ +

    * Farseer
        (Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Fleet, Ghosthelm, Independent Character, Psychic Disciplines: Divination, Runes of Fate, Telepathy, Psyker (Mastery Level 3), Rune Armour)
        * Eldar Jetbike
            Twin-linked shuriken catapult

So this guy is my mobile buffer. He mostly takes divination, we all
Know the benefits of divination, the biggest boon tends to be the warp charge one for all powers. This allows me to cast all three powers, really buffing the army. If precognition is rolled, this allows me to contest object last turn very well, re-rolling all saves, I can sit next to the objective and hunker down. In case anyone asks, the reason for no mantle is twofold, 1 I can join units for protection, and cast perfect timing allowing units to of ignore cover, which works perfect with  dark reapers or warp spiders.

    * Farseer
        (Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Fleet, Ghosthelm, Independent Character, Psychic Disciplines: Divination, Runes of Fate, Telepathy, Psyker (Mastery Level 3), Rune Armour)
        The Spirit Stone of Anath'lan (*), Witchblade
Farseer mk2. This guy sits with the wraithguard. For this guy telepathy or runes chart. Looking for powers like invisibility, fortune etc this helps draw fire to the unit, which allows me to focus my winning units (troops) into positions I need. The stone is there to reduce the warp charge as both disciplines have multiple warp charge 2 powers.

+ Elites +

    * Wraithguard
        (Ancient Doom, Bulky, Fearless)
        * 10x Wraithguard
            10x Wraithcannon

I have run wraithguard since the new book has come out, in many forms, with both weapon choices, in a big unit, 5 man troop unit in waves serpents, the whole shabang. On foot the are slow, so deployment of objectives and the unit is vital. Getting these guys into the midfield with cover is key. They draw a look of attention and can't be left alone due to their strengths, this idea is to keep your opponent busy.

They are quite an investment with a Farseer, but with the troops I posses I don't find it a burden. With their high toughness and fearless they are a great way to hold a unit up, especially on a central objective, I tried to get the Farseer to drop into another u it before doing this, as there's no need for him to be in a combat.

+ Troops +

    * Guardian Defenders
        (Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Fleet)
        10x Guardian
        * Wave Serpent
            Holo-fields (*), Serpent Field, Twin-linked scatter lasers, Twin-linked shuriken catapults

    * Guardian Defenders
        (Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Fleet)
        10x Guardian
        * Wave Serpent
            Holo-fields (*), Serpent Field, Twin-linked scatter lasers, Twin-linked shuriken catapults

These are you bread and butter. Guardians got so much better in this addition, the potential ap2, battle focus, bs4 and good cost makes them very good. Taking the two units allows me to tag team if needed to put a massive torrent into a unit. Guardians will be looking at grabbing the midfield objectives later in the game, supported with the wraithguard.

Wave serpents are the best vehicle in 40k. Hi fields, scatter laser, serpent shield and troop capacity they've fit it all. And awesome vehicle, remember if your going second to use the 2+ shield save to stop pens and deny first blood, then use to shoot.

    * Rangers
        (Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Fleet, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Stealth)
        5x Ranger

Playing 25+ games I can tell you this, my rangers have never killed a single model, never pinned anyone and 90% of the time don't die. However they've won me more games than I can count.  This unit sits on my home objective, which is always placed behind a wall, or terrain you can see through, and the rangers sit all game their. Hidden, and with an amazing cover save ( especially when gone to ground)  the only time they've telly been killed is from heldrakes that I have dealt with in a timely manner. If your worried about this happening and your going second ( which in 4/6 missions you want to as eldar ) hold them in reserve, this stops the heldrake getting the drop on you. I think my big love of this unit is because I know I can sit them there and play my game, not having to much so much about my home objective.

    * Windrider Jetbike Squadron
        (Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Eldar Jetbike)
        3x Guardian Jetbike, Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapult

    * Windrider Jetbike Squadron
        (Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Eldar Jetbike)
        3x Guardian Jetbike, Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapult

    * Windrider Jetbike Squadron
        (Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Eldar Jetbike)
        3x Guardian Jetbike, Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapult

This selection of 3x3 is by far one of the best things for points in the eldar army. These are purely for objectives, wether claiming or contesting. Yes they are small, but this helps to hide the unit, the speed is also crazy, make sure your not obvious with want your doing with them, remember with a flat out move you can hit any point on the board.

+ Fast Attack +

    * Crimson Hunter
        (Skyhunter, Vector Dancer)
        Pulse Laser

When I first started running this, I found it very sacrificial, it would come on, kill something and die. It really took me a while to figure out the crimson hunter. You can't be careless with it, nearly everything can blow you up. Vector dancer also gives you a massive boost, your threat range after the turn you come on is fantastic, use this to steer clear of threats and gain side armour or rear shots.

    * Warp Spiders
        (Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Fleet, Hit & Run, Warp Jump Generator)
        5x Warp Spider

    * Warp Spiders
        (Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Fleet, Hit & Run, Warp Jump Generator)
        5x Warp Spider

What's not to love about warp spiders, fast, durable, firepower that's crazy. Warp spiders are often my MVPs for their points cost I rarely get let down. I used to run bigger units, but I often found them harder to place, with 5 man units I can really apply then where I'm in need, and with two units I can either tag team together or with other units, looming at combos like :

Warp spiders and a wave serpent blow a transport up, the guardians who I would of disembarked before and get the shoot at the guys inside.

Now this might not Kill the unit, so we look even further into the plan, what if I plan this but with the support of a dark reaper unit with its mass ap3 shooting, then imagine if the dark reaper unit has ignore cover or twin linked from a Farseer. All of a sudden a rhino and ten marines are dead.

This is where good eldar players will punish you, they will be thinking about their turn the turn before. As an eldar player never do somethjg with a unit because you feel you have to, do it with a plan in mind, even if it's not for this turn. Synergy is king in eldar, units have to work together, if you can start laying down one two blows you'll start getting the best out of your choices, if you can do this 2-3 times in a turn, your really going to punish any mistakes made by your opponent.

+ Heavy Support +

    * Dark Reapers
        (Ancient Doom, Slow and Purposeful)
        * 5x Dark Reaper
            5x Reaper launcher
        * Exarch
            Fast Shot (*), Night Vision (*), Tempest launcher

Dark reapers, a unit that until codex marine came out I would never of bothered with, but the game shifts and as an eldar player, you should to. 48"range ap 3 s5, they are your marine killers, if you can get ignore cover, misfortune to make a unit reroll saves plus prescience for reroll misses you can really hurt a unit, always eye up devastator units, long fangs and havocs, shift those heavy weapons from your opponents army.

The other reason for this unit is the increase in bike armies. Dark reapers ignore jink and as a bonus gain night fight, this means 4's to kill a bike, it really gives you another tool to deal with any army.

I'm also a fan of the tempest launcher with fast shot. this gives me three blast ap3 st4 with barrage. Barrage is a very good tool to have, not needing LOS, and the ability to snipe models in a unit, looking for sergeants and heavy/special weapons. 

    * Wraithknight
        (Ancient Doom, Fearless)
        Two Heavy Wraithcannons

"Hey look over there, it's a distraction!!!" Yeah that's out on his grave stone everytime he dies. Wraithknights are very tough but die easily if the right amount and type of weapons are fired at them. The thing is that's exactly what I want, I want to draw fire onto him. With the amount of fire it take to kill him, my army can start to take out your main assists ( troops etc). I tend to move him straight at an opponent, firing his heavy cannons at big units, never relying on it killing something, just when it does it's a bonus.

If left alone the knight will smash face, and wreck a unit each turn. Just be careful you don't get pinned down with a mass fearless unit.