Hi Everybody,

You're right about the heat and air in this lava scenario. You may recall from the original build, that all the troopers have respirators (though they don't wear them, but they have them on their shoulder). In addition I'm adding some emitters for a force field that will protect the vehicle, as well as some extra exhausts for the additional ventilation and "air conditioning".
I'm pretty sure in the 40th century there will be some technology to cover that ;)

Well, first I want to show you the contents of a care packet I received last week from Tim aka Eyescream.
A very generous gift with lots of brand new goodies!
One of the highlights is this little toilet bowl :)
From what Eyescream remembered, he got on a Bit Con, but it is available via Black Cat Bases http://blackcatbases.com/index.php?main_pa...=toilet&x=0&y=0

Since the last update I added the vision ports for the sides of the passenger compartment
as well as the vision ports for the crew - what used to be the windshield on the standard PONOS.
Next were the lights for the front
and rear
Giving it the typical PONOS look
Then some more details like the smoke dischargers
and the searchlights.
Finally I added some indicators/emitters for the force field -needed to get everyone safely through the lava :)
Not sure if I'll add an effect here or how I will show that theses are the Force Field emitters....

Then I created some ventilation outlets for the rear of the passenger compartment.
I think they look OK on the vehicles
And finally I applied all the rivets on the first PONOS - Eyescream pattern :)
So what do you think of today's update?
I look forward to your C&C and suggestions.