I has been a long time since I have had motivation to really do something creative for the sake of doing.  Well I have some motivation now!  I received a Max Sterling model from Gencon in the mail thanks to a generous attendee and now I am going to rock it!  Max is a limited edition Gencon model created by Palladium for the Robotech Tactics game. I have a massive amount of models coming from the Kickstarter but thought I would practice painting them with Max here.

First I am not all that thrilled about working with metal.  I never did much like it..  Also, I am not crazy about the uncustomizable sculpt. However, this pose is very dynamic so it will do.  He came in several small pieces and included a flight stand.

I was pleasantly surprised that the pre cut join holes fit, for the most part. I have had some very bad experience with metal models not fitting together. With minimal prep work I had this model assembled and ready.  I have some video coming soon.

Until then... Here is a picture of how Max should look...

I was at first going to attempt to airbrush him, but since he is pretty evenly blue and white, and the two intermix every where... I decided just to hand paint the whole thing.

More to come!
