Played my first Infinity game where I felt like I had a grip on what was going on in the game. I decided to go with Yu-Jing simply because they look awesome. I haven't figured out what their strengths and weaknesses are yet but I hope to after some more game play. 

I played against Brisbane's Morat Aggession Force which I think is a Combined Army Sectorial. Its pretty nasty, he had a linked team in there with an HMG leader shooting 5 shots per order.
 (Dave feel free to comment and correct me if I'm wrong)

We played a scenario that required us to roll two dice and that would determine what our two objectives would be. My rolls had me hunting for his Lieutenant and required that I get into his deployment and make a WIP roll with a model. 

There was a moment where I came within 8 inches of his linked team with my hacker, passed the hack roll and jammed one of the team members gun. I then had a tiger soldier deploy behind the link team and HMG down one of this link team members. I did the same with my second Tiger Soldier. One of the members I killed ended up being his LT, unfortuneatly I realized after the game that the second Tiger could have attempted to end the game by "mapping his deployment" which was my secondary objective but I forgot I could do that heh. 

Needless to say the whole interaction and battle was awesome. He ended up winning by getting both his objectives. Infinity is a great game, quick and simple (once you know the basics). 

I placed an order for a TAG which I should get by Friday, I hope to post a full Bat Rep detailing lists and more in the near future. 

Thanks for reading!