In this battle report Da Hinkel and Anthony Ryan (Uktena) played their armies at Carl's Cave to test out the new Khorne Daemonkin army. The battle was fought with Maelstrom mission #1 using the faction Warhammer 40,000 Data cards: for Khorne and Orks. It was a tremendous battle with bucket loads of bloody hand to hand combat!


Da Hinkel's ORKS - 2000 points

Warboss (Warlord) - mega armor, power klaw

Choppa Boyz x12 - Nob w/ power klaw -------> Ork Trukk
Choppa Boyz x12 - Nob w/ power klaw -------> Ork Trukk
Choppa Boyz x12 - Nob w/ power klaw -------> Ork Trukk
Choppa Boyz x12 - Nob w/ power klaw -------> Ork Trukk
Choppa Boyz x12 - Nob w/ power klaw -------> Ork Trukk
Choppa Boyz x12 - Nob w/ power klaw -------> Ork Trukk

Warbuggy x4 - twin-linked rocket launcha
Warbuggy x4 - twin-linked rocket launcha
Warbuggy x4 - twin-linked rocket launcha

Mega-Nobz x5  -----> Ork Trukk
Mega-Nobz x5  -----> Ork Trukk
Mega-Nobz x5  -----> Ork Trukk

Orkaissar (cheerleader mascot)

Anthony's KHORNE DAEMONKIN - 2000 points

CAD #1
Chaos Lord of Khorne 
-juggernaut, sigil of corruption, power fist, lightning claw, Blood-Forged Armor (relic)

Khorne Berzerkers x8 - powersword (champion) ----> Chaos Rhino
Chaos Space Marines x8 - melta-gun, lightning claw (champion) ----> Chaos Rhino

Flesh Hounds x10
Flesh Hounds x9

Maulerfiend - tendrils

CAD #2
Chaos Lord of Khorne 
-juggernaut, sigil of corruption, power fist, Axe of Ruin (relic)

Bloodletters x8 - blood reaper
Chaos Cultists x8

Chaos Spawn x3
Chaos Spawn x3
Chaos Spawn x3


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maCnarB Gaming - http://www.macnarbgaming.com/ 
Impudent Mortal - https://impudentmortal.com/
Models and Minis - http://www.modelsandminis.com/
Secret Weapon Miniatures - http://www.secretweaponminiatures.com/