Well. Here we go.
I had heard the rumor that EE was getting a nerf and chose not to listen. It came down today. They switched the Tier 1 and Tier 4 benefits so now you don't get the -1 point discount until you plop a useless Mountain King into your list. On the surface that seems like it kills EE and that's kinda what I thought at first. Then I did the math.
At most it's a loss of two light warbeasts. One has to be a slag troll and then one other from your list. You still have specialists you can swap in so it's going to be more of a tailoring situation. My new 50 point EE looks like this:
Rune Bearer
Slag Troll x3
Storm Troll x3
Pyre Troll x2
Winter Troll
Kriel Stone Bearers + Stone Scribe Elder
That's it. Not much difference. I went down one slag and one pyre. Not to mention I get to chose an animus to put on all my beasts first turn. Oh, and those beasts are still advance deploy. Is it going to make an impact in game? Probably? Maybe? who knows yet. Still plenty of time to test it. So at 50 points this list still looks viable. At 35 points, eh, not so much. Those beasts needed that discount to run at 35 and I don't think it'll scale down to that like it once did. The other thing about this is that Calandra is not on the ADR for this upcoming season. So she only gets 10 points of specialists instead of 20. That limits pretty heavily what you can or can't swap.
The other nerf was to Trollkin Warders. They lost their weaponmaster status. I'm trying to wrap my brain around this as to why it was done at all. They're only P+S 10 (sometimes 12 with battle driven), and they have to have a kriel stone bearer to take them to armor 19. So you take a unit and rob them of the ability to clear a zone and instead make it to where they can only hold a zone and still want 8 points? As a comparison my reciprocators have a P+S 12 (up to 14 with empowered attack) weapon, shield wall (makes them arm 20, and they can be repaired or come back completely and they're only one point more. Come on PP you guys pretty much made them worthless. On the other side though, this could be paving the way for a new UA for them so there's that to possibly look forward to.
Anyway that's my short little rant on the new errata. Too early really to tell anything but I think all the doom and gloom out there is really uncalled for.
It’s Nerf……..or Nothing!
by FunDave | Jan 18, 2016