Spring has finally reached Ottawa and the weather today has been wonderful, which can mean only one thing: Treat myself to a stout! My favourite beer style especially on a warm day is a nice chilled stout. I know this is weird as most people prefer a lager or a pale ale. But I just love a cold chocolate/roasty stout. Personally I've been really enjoying Quebec beers a lot so I'm sticking with them and going to a brewery called Le Tréfle Noir. The packaging helped to sell this beer as I found it bold and striking on the shelf what looks like a lady from a First Nation tribe, holding wheat/grain. Not sure if there is a back story connected to this? If there is then let me know in the comments.


Name: Trefle Noir
Style: Sweet Stout
Brewery: Le Tréfle Noir (website)
Country: Quebec, Canada
Price: $4.99 CAD- 500ml Bottle
ABV: 5.6%
Commercial Fluff:
"The Black Clover is a round stout palate that stands out for it's coffee aromas, toast and dark chocolate. The hop bitterness is present and frank, but coexists perfectly with other flavours"

Own Opinion

Sight: A super dark red, pretty much black beer. Topped with a good helping of tan coloured head. As the beer was consumed it left behind plenty of lacing on the glass which I love to see.
Aroma: Burnt roasted coffee and chocolate sweetness is hitting my nose. Two of my favourite aromas in a stout. Excited to try it out.
Taste: Dark Chocolate, coffee, roast flavours, yummy. Slight back of the throat bitterness like a burnt coffee. Little carbonation considering the foamy head.
Would I buy it again? Yes. I seem to say yes a lot!

I feel I am fast becoming a convert to Quebec beers, might have to learn french to help find more. The breweries on the other side of the river, seem to be producing a better quality of beer than Ontario. I know it's a shocking thing to say, but the Quebec brewers are just out performing the local lads. 
This beer is the type I like to sit and enjoy slowly. As the drink warmed up a little, it released more aromas and flavours. If you can find this beer I recommend a pint or two or maybe several. Also I feel it would make a great addition to Chocolate Stout Cake (maybe it's time to experiment).

If the brewery ever reads this then I recommend upping your social media game (or hire me and I will do it). Where is the Twitter and Instagram feeds! If I'm missing them then please tell me the links. 

Thanks for reading as always and follow me either here or on Google+