I wanted to mix it up so I figured I'd work on the Recon/Tacticals .. Holy crap.. painting 20 of these dudes is killing me! They have SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many bags.. it's crazy haha...
 To really get all of the BPs I have to do them off of the models so I can get the backs and what not .. Each guy has at least two but mostly three packs on their belts and then four on the back .. so about 120 packs to blend .. Boo..
I'm getting some real use on the new wet palette and I'm still really liking it which is nice 8)

Once I'm done will all the leather packs I'll start on the metal and bone accents then all of the cloaks.. This is more then I thought it would be for sure but they should look really cool as my Tacticals when I'm done..  well I hope so at least haha