I play a lot of legacy models and play in different editions of the game so I went looking for a replacement model and, after some sticker shock on Ebay, discovered Hexy Shop. They carry a variety of third party conversion bits and a few complete models. I located the Lobba replacement with a company out of Poland called Bitspudlo. At $13.23 a pop I thought I'd give them a go.
The resin is good quality cleanly cast with sharp detail, a dry, and very paintable, surface but is a little on the brittle side and there were a few bubbles in the road wheels. No major flaws and they fit the theme of the GW Orks with glyphs and a cobbled together appearance.
I painted them up in a state of very poor repair using the Secret Weapon rust line augmented with the GW Technicals; Ryza Rust, Tyhphus Corrosion, and Necron Compound.
All my basing supplies are packed so I'll have to base these on the other side of the house move.

Packing up the house is going quickly now and my Ork models are all stowed so I grabbed, an about to be packed, Tinkerbell from the Twisted Game to use for scale.
We're out house hunting so no updates for a couple of weeks... and then... I might... maybe... get one more out before everything is too packed up to continue working.