
Currently this Rhino serves as the Coyotes' brig. Captives are locked within and subjected to a never ending loop of Rocky Top until their minds melt. These unfortunate, gibbering souls will happily spill all their secrets in order to receive a merciful bolt round to the head, silencing the horror. 

Progress has been slow this week due to real life interference, but there has been a little. First up, at Ragsta's suggestion, I decided to try undercoating the Incandescent Coyotes' rhino's orange contrast areas with another, flatter shade of orange. As such it looks here like it's a WIP University of Tennessee Rhino. As the contrast is added, darkening the orange color considerably it will then change to a University of Texas Rhino, before going all 'Woolly Bear' again in the end. 

I also bought some 3D printed terrain off of eBay. Really nice stuff and quite reasonably priced as well. The Munitorum containers are solid, LoS blockers, and will go nicely with my still, as yet unfinished container (which is...somewhere). They also came with a bucket load of supply crates and fuel cans which will make for nice objective markers when based. 

Lastly, Siph has informed me that my Lieutenant WTF? along with Neverness' clone are currently making their way across the warp to us, huzzah!  Despite the circuitous route, this method is still 30% cheaper than if we were to have purchased it from GW directly here in the US. WTF? indeed...