Yeah, sorry Smurf fanbois, this post isn't for you. To the devotees of Slaanesh however, read on...

Sure, he'd prefer to kill the minions of the corpse god as much as any other traitor marine, but going by his tabard of recently flensed Ork's hide along with Ork skulls on his base, clearly any opponent will do. 

To be honest, I actually just sold off the bulk (meagre as it was) of my Children of Torment chaos marines just the other day. The hideous amount of detail on every sculpted surface makes the notion of painting them in bulk something of a nightmare in my opinion. 

From this angle, you can barely see the pink armor. 

But there it is. Curiously it all goes nicely together. 

Already having two painted chaos marines (that Helbrute is now gone btw), I painted this one up this week (and just when you though I'd given up on painting 40k minis...). That leaves me with my aspiring champion, cultist champion and flamer gunner left to go. They, along with my already painted cultists are enough to make a nice looking Kill Team. I could squeeze another cultist in there actually, but folks want too much for em on eBay, and hell they're only 4 points so the absence of one isn't really worrisome. 

Here you can see them as they're being blinded by the glory of Slaanesh!

Originally I was painting each marine with their armor trimmed in a different metallic color, because Chaos. Conveniently, having three of them, it'll now be easy to differentiate which kill team specialist is which. 

It'll do till I get him something better. 

Next up though I think I'm going to work on some cavern tiles as I have 6 of the primed and ready to go. Also my father-in-law got Frankie's lightsaber working...without really doing anything, but the kid is thrilled so it's all good. Speaking of, Ultrasabers finally contacted me today after 19 days of silence, by basically repeating their last email which I had already answered but they apparently failed to actually read. 

As such, I pretty much told them to go to hell. Schmucks.