
Collecting evidence...

The Ordo Astartes is an ordo minoris of the the God-Emperor's Holy Inquisition. Numbering approximately 50 Inquisitors they are charged with overseeing the Adeptus Astartes as a whole, and are clearly way out of their depth given just how many loyalist chapters have either partially or in full turned traitor over the millenia. At least they got those bastard Celestial Lio-oh wait...uh yeah, anyways.

Any similarity to a run-of-the-mill hive enforcer is just part of the disguise...

I don't have a name for this guy specifically, so he's currently running under an alias of Archibald Wrex which was taken from another miniature of mine that will likely never see the table top anyways. Inquisitor Wrex is currently investigating the frightening rumors that several Alpha Legion Traitor Astartes have somehow undergone the Rubicon Primaris! 

There's a refractor field somewhere in that...stuff on his back.

I painted this guy on a whim last weekend and am really pleased with how he turned out! He's part of my small camo-Smurf army and as is appropriate, he's wearing standard-issue Inquisitorial urban camo. He is armed with a bolt pistol (of the revolver type, a rather more eccentric than efficient weapon), frag grenades and lastly a force/power/plain old regular sword depending on what points are available.  

That scabbard apparently hides a blade of many potential types.