Greetings, sorry about missing Art Monday these past few weeks, life* happens. Anyway, here's a piece I got kick out of creating way back in the mid '90s.  

I love a good action scene and I really wanted to show an Eldar Harlequin in action. This was submitted to Inquisitor Magazine but was not used. Despite my liking of the figures in it, I think the piece doesn't work how I hoped it would have. I blame the holofield effect I was going for and the lack of contrast on the image. If I were to take another stab at this I would probably half-tone the bricks in the background to help the foreground characters 'pop'.  I think Tim at Inquisitor Magazine saw this too when he passed it by. Or maybe he thought it was too violent? 

I started in this hobby back in '89 and the Harlequins only had the list that appeared in White Dwarf (#105?). And in that edition they were combat monsters and a single one was definitely capable of wading through a unit of Squats with little fear of them. They were nerfed in 2nd edition and marginalized in every edition after that until they became a true army in 7th Edition. But I fondly remember their formative years, and I hope this piece captures an aspect of that time. 

*My 2nd child was born on 11/28; it's been a busy past few weeks!