Welcome back to Art Monday. 

This is another Squat image that was published in Inquisitor Magazine #15 for their Squat army list issue. This one was featured in the front of the article. I was fairly pleased with it. The pose of this guy is similar to the classic pose of the White Dwarf from White Dwarf #90. 

Ye Goode Olde days. 

Now, I didn't have this image as reference, as I have never owned this issue, but I remembered it fondly. If I had, the right hand on my image might've been a bit less awkward in the final execution. But I do have the plastic Heroquest Dwarf which was based off of the WD #90 cover. 

Heroquest Dwarf. (Image snatched from Redit.) 

Anyway I think I captured the vibe of it. My guy's power axe was based on the traditional Rogue Trader era design that I think is very interesting and fun to draw. Heck, all of the Squat drawings were fun to do, they are a very enjoyable range of miniatures to draw and it is a total shame that they were abandoned the way they were.