Sgt Crull.

Squad Crull, the second squad of Deathwatch Veterans to join my Deathwatch force, comes straight from the Death Masque boxed set. I decided to build these guys exactly as they were kitted out in the Forces Of The Deathwatch section of the Death Masque booklet. Squad Crull is part of the Watch Force Artemis Formation found in that booklet. It's not that I have any desire to go back to 7th Edition to play through this scenario, but rather that I was lazy and indecisive about how to load these guys out


 Sgt. Crull is interesting due to his Xenos Phase Sword.  I thought it would be pretty easy to paint  but I found it to be a bit more challenging than I assumed it would be. 

Mid-coats mostly done.

I painted the grooves white and then I applied Tesseract Glow. I added at least two layers of it to really get the day glow effect to kick. With a few minor touch-ups the sword was done, and I was happy with the results. 

Finished miniature.

I finished the model fairly quickly after that using the steps I have been using on my other Deathwatch models. Only the cables on the right arm were left unfinished as I want to them with the rest of the squad. And I hope to get the rest of Squad Crull done sooner than later! 

Sgt. Crull, ready to purge xenos scum!