Let's kick this New Year off right! 

This was a fun unit to build and make ready for war: it's the Deathwatch Veteran Bikers. While digging though my bits collection I discovered I had enough remnants of a few Space Marine Bikes to make a squad. My original inspiration was to added these to my Ultramarines who are currently woefully lacking in Assault and Fast Attack choices.  But I happened to be flicking through the Deathwatch Codex and came across the entry for Deathwatch Veteran Bikers.  They are simply better than the typical bikers and my Deathwatch are also lacking in a strong Fast Attack option and these models will be better suited in that force. 

Inspired, I assembled these models over the span of the last two months. Lots of personal stuff happening, as well as the holidays, and picking and poking at these models in my fleeting moments of spare time was a relaxing repite from all of that. 

I wanted the unit leader to be bold and imposing. An ork skull adorns the front of his ride, he had a combi plasma and a power fist, which he is using to steer his bike (I get a kick out of this). 

I wasn't too thrilled with my flesh highlight on this guy's head so I mixed Kislev Flesh with with some Delta Ceramcoat Queen Ann's Lace (surprise, they mix together just fine) and got the desired color. 

The rest of the steps were really straightforward, I just kept at it until I was satisfied.

The two basic guys are armed with Chainswords, but the options available to these chaps are pretty impressive. However I decided to keep it simple, and ' cheap' (points- wise) and just stick with Astartes Chainswords. 

The squad leader I approached differently. I wanted a Power Fist for a powerful punch in the Assault phase and a combi plasma for some longer range support. 

All in all, I am happy with how these chaps turned out. I am considering adding an Attack Bike for a bit more support, but we shall see how the other projects shake out first...