The Rhinoback is now done! Let's review it from all the different angles: 

It was an easy and fairly straightforward thing to paint. I added some random silver flecks on some of the corners, as depicted on the box photo, to represent scarring and scratches. 

 I added the radar dish to the back as I wanted it to be a permanent feature on this tank. The scroll on the back door is blank in this photo but it now says 'Purge or Bust'. I think that may be this vehicle's informal name. 

The fuel cans and tool box was also kept simple but I used colors on them that don't appear anywhere else on this model so that they stick out a bit more. 

It's an interesting, but absolutely useless, detail to have this blast shield able to rise up and reveal two windows. I painted them anyway because it never fails that someone would check that and call me out on it at the game store the first time i take this thing in for a game. 

I am keeping the Heavy Bolter and the Las Cannons loose so they can swivel and be interchangeable. 

And I can also use duel storm bolters even though they fit awkwardly together. But it'll work just fine for game play.

The gunner was a bit of a conundrum as I was unsure which chapter I wanted to go with. I knew I wanted something I hadn't done before and I threw out to rabble to pick one of Cheef's gazillion chapters and the only response was from Cheef himself suggesting Rainbow Warriors. Which I seriously did look into running with but...

 ...I decided instead to go with something I could use a skull decal with. A much easier way to go than trying to hand draw the Rainbow Warriors chapter badge. After searching various tomes and websites I settled on The Emperor's Swords. An easy (-ish) design to work with and they have a very weird history (-ies?).  Who knows, perhaps this guy is the sole survivor of this Chapter? 

And that's a wrap for this project, now to figure out how and when to get this onto a tabletop...