
This past Friday night, I got in another 3-player, central objective 40k brawl with Rob and Screech (who was returning to 40k after a considerable absence). Here's how it went down:

Trimming down some of his unplayed armies, Rob gave Screech his Necrons, bringing him back into the 40k fold.

I deployed facing this horde with a 5-marine tac squad in the razorback accompanied by an apothecary, with a 5-strong dev squad and allied Smurf Combat squad in support. 

My scouts deployed on the objective and taunted the grey horde on Rob's side of the table. 

My Lt. another combat tac squad were in the rhino with a 5-marine assault squad along side. 

Screech went first and started off turn 1 by going all 'War of the Worlds' on me as his walker 1-shot-killed my razorback! Luckily, it's passengers all survived.

Going second Rob's chaos marines advanced in most all directions with the Raptors wiping out the Scouts for no losses. In return the tac squad slagged two of them with meltagun fire before charging in themselves. Not the Apothecary though, he failed his charge miserably and stayed behind to throw morphine darts at my wounded troops. 

In the backfield, my suicide assault squad charged the warp talons, wounded one, and then were all killed. Fairly typical for this bunch who never want to get painted it seems...

Withering under the weight of fire coming from the golden horde, I told Rob to 'quit hiding under a rock and do something!'

Yeah, thanks buddy; take the objective and prepare to charge me with another squad....that's really helpful. Ah well, he is the enemy. 

The Warp Talons hit and massacre a unit of crons!

Several of whom promptly stand back up and bog these monsters down.

Obliterators teleport into the backfield! Maybe they can hurt the walkers which have shrugging off my Krak missiles with alarming ease. 

Screaming the praises of the Almighty Bobby G, the Smurfs charge into battle, to show the Coyotes how close combat is properly done!

Uninterested in Smurf showmanship, the Apothecary charges the cultist squad and starts laying waste to the misguided mortals. 

Despite getting bogged down on its flanks, the 'Crons advance with ruthless efficiency.

My Rhino meanwhile was trundling about in the backfield exchanging mostly ineffective fire with the small legionnaire squad hunkered down in the building.

All of the cultists died or fled save the champion who held my Apothecary in place. 

The Necron overlord charges the Smurfs who along with the armor of contempt and a pair of sixes shrug off his war scythe and continue to beat down the regular golden grunts. 

Having finally dispatched the other squad, the Warp Talons advance on the 'Crons in the center. 

Rob meanwhile sends in the next wave! (Gulp!)

Morphine for me it is!

Indeed, this was the apothecary's rolls to save vs. all of those chainsword wounds! Unfortunately, the Squad leader had a daemonblade of some sort and dispatched him nonetheless.

The rest of my tac. squad also falls ceding Rob the objective. 

Fabius was enjoying watching the slaughter before him right up until his urchin side kick exploded in a volley of bolter fire which inflicted a wound or two onto the mad scientist as well!

No, my krak missiles couldn't injure that oblit either. The heavy bolters did gun down that whatever its called character in the middle though. Unfortunately, Necron chicanery and shenanigans allowed it to stand back up with a lone wound remaining.

My Lt. and accompanying tac squad charge Fabius who for convenience was taken down off of the level he was technically standing on.

And then they promptly killed him. Clearly these marines want some proper paint jobs!

The warp talons continue to slice thru the golden horde whilst the Smurf keep on rolling 6's to ignore the lord's war scythe much to my delight. 

At this point it was the bottom of turn 3, 11pm, and we called it quits as Rob had to work the next day. As is all too common in these games, no one held the objective long enough to actually score a VP, ending the game in a bloody draw (though I'm claiming moral victory for killing Fabius Bile!).