The Black Legion's Children of Torment subfaction's exalted champion. 

Ya know, I wish GW would put some more detail on the Chaos marines said no one ever! Seriously, WTF?!? These guys are a nightmare of detailing (Chaos Marines aren't supposed to be the stuff of those kinds of nightmares...). 

The Thousand Sons...yeah, I'm notta fan. 

He does also have a power sword not that it is easily visible. 

I'm using the 'Legends' rules for my Exalted Champion as the *only* weapons fit for an Exalted Champion is a bolt pistol, power axe and combi-melta with no variations whatsoever. Very chaosy, every traitor exalted champion having the exact same stuff. Hell even Primaris Lieutenants who are known for their lack of options have more variety than that!

His armor has 2 shades of pink as well as lavender, each color representing a separate squad sworn to him. Whether or not I'll be able to stand painting three squads of these guys remains to be seen...

Even then this guy technically has an illegal weapons fit, as he has a mere bolter rather than a combi-bolter not that any future opponent will likely mind as it means less shots coming their way. 

Lining up to kick that helmet like its a football!