
Half a dozen Hellblasters can only do so much...

I had Frankie in tow with me this weekend when I met up with Rob and Screech for our usual 3-player 40k battle. Running 1k each, I gave Frankie command of my Smurfs though I did coach him as he (1) hasn't played 40k in quite awhile and (2) he's only ever played with my Tau. Clocking in at a little over 700 points, the remainder of our force was my allied Ad Mech contingent lead by the recently finished Techno-Archeologist 808-Linam (named for my friend Bob who is an Archeologist). 

He survived his first game both unscathed and without accomplishing anything (no doubt he'll blame a lack of funding). 

Anyways, following my sales pitch about the abilities of the Emprah's finest, It took approximately 1.5 turns to reduce 27 marines to just 8. With 30 proxied Immortals backed up by war walkers and characters bestowing we'll be back rerolls all over on one side, and Imperial Guard with hellhounds and an all heavy flamer equipped chimera backed up by howitzers (nice minis those are), mortars and a plasma cannon equipped sentinel in the other.

Unsurprisingly, the Smurfs were dying in droves. 

Plasma fire from one direction and Hellfire from the other. Ultimately this duel would prove to be bloody but inconclusive. 

Needing a 5+ to wound everything in range for every model in our army but the Hellblasters didn't help. Seriously what the hell? 

Frankie also was channeling Neverness and his die rolling techniques. Eventually I had to tell Frankie to stop rolling the dice in the way that he was as he kept rolling 1's. Looking to prove me wrong in the typical 13 year old manner, he then went on to roll several more 1's in a row before finally agreeing with me!

This pretty much sums up the game. 

It wasn't all bad though. 

My Negavolt Cultists Fulgurite Electro Priests after making their first game, combat debut where they wiped out a squad of 7 or so Immortals!

His assault intercessors made it to close combat vs. a squad of immortals, where the proceeded to struggle but not die, instead holding them in place. The following turn, my Fulgurite priests made their charge into the fray, inflicting 7 total mortal wounds plus several other regular wounds and wiping the unit out. I was pleased with this experimental unit's initial performance. 

Screech was not pleased with this and not even a 4+ invulnerable save and a 5+ shrug against lost wounds would save the unit from the 2 walkers. 

Also on the plus side, the Skitarii Vanguard inflicted a nice average of 6 or so successful wounds per turn. The Necrons survived most of them, but they did make nuisance of themselves. Indeed after inflicting a pair of wounds, they even sent the Necron Lord scurrying for cover!

This was a lost cause, though (field promoted) Captain Horridus did wipe out a mortar squad in the backfield in one volley with his master-crafted auto bolt rifle. 

This sergeant was cruising for a paint job after shrugging off a good amount of enemy  fire, but then he charged these three guardsmen and failed to do anything to them with his power sword over the course of 2 turns. Schmuck.

In the end these two would finish the game with 1 wound apiece. This guy did earn himself a paint job after surviving a full round of shooting by the hellhound. 

You know things have gone awry when Screech takes and holds an objective in order to win the game!

Not wanting to invest much more $$$ into the game at this point, I'm guessing that I'll have to build the box of hellblasters and the Kratos that I have as my Smurfs are proving to be seriously undergunned when facing most anything anymore.