
A unicorn among dragons?

I had a bit of insomnia Friday night and decided to paint rather than lie in bed tossing and turning in a hopeless quest for sleep. As such this guy went from primed black to ready for decals by the time I called it a night some time after midnight. Being stupid-hot outside (for Tennessee, we don't have anything on other parts of the south and west) I had all the incentive needed to not go outside and instead finish him up.

Originally, I was going to put the V on the tabard but was afraid it would get lost behind the crystals.

This guy was made from one of the new primaris sternguard models, with nothing more needed than an arm, head and base swap from the standard to make him into a Lieutenant with bolt pistol and master-crafted bolt rifle. As for his close combat weapon...I'm guessing that that's the horn which has sprouted from his head. As you can imagine, I'll be keeping all of my Inquisitors away from this guy!

As he's an officer, he has Dragon icons on both pauldrons

Due to said horn, he lacks a helmet on which to paint the Lt.'s requisite red and white stripes, so I opted to add that to his tabard instead which came out pretty good I think. It certainly brightens up what would be an otherwise very black mini. 

I'm not sure who will get the combi-melta that originally went here.

The Roman numeral 'V' on his chest shield show's his battle company's number. Black Dragons' company numbers are displayed on the right knee cap, black in the case of the 5th co. I'll bet you thought I'd forgotten about the company markings didn't you?

La la, la-lalala...

Next up on my painting table are a pair of Smurf assault intercessors which are about a third of the way painted already. Followed perhaps by some Black Dragon intercessors.