The time has arrived. 

This year's secret location, in an orbital station somewhere close to the Maelstrom, has attendees arriving slowly and cautiously to it. 

Voidsmen by Da Mastacheef

The first shuttle arrived, and when the doors opened these chaps spilled out, securing the docking bay and roughing up the concierge servitor. They heralded the arrival of this guy:

Inquisitor Wyrd, by Da Masta Cheef

Unlike most of Cheef's characters this guy doesn't have a name yet so I'm calling Inquisitor Wyrd. Anyway, after mind-probing the station's staff, he led his entourage into the Conclave Chambers. 

The next shuttle arrived, spilling forth a motley assortment of henchmen and archo-flagellants onto the deck. 

The Baddie Team by Zzzzzz 

Here is Zzzzzz with the details: 

The central character here is the demagogue: she is part of a select coven hunted by the OH.  She is flanked here by two close combat bodyguards with ceremonial flensing knives from the Grox herder enclaves of the northern parire: they've brought their traditional tribal tools to use as weapons in their new religion.  There's also her principal muscle, Xondar, who as you tell from his stature, was once even a giant amongst Space Marines.  Anyway, he's long turned to the ruinous powers and sometimes manages to cause a plague zombie or two to come into being, but he has no real control over this and it's not something to rely on.  There are three more cultists with a variety of weapons, including Xondar's bolter, which he can no long use, because plot armour.  The last member of this team is Sav.  She is a chaos aligned astropath.  

Sav and three cultists by Zzzzzz.

And some arcoflagellants.  These were glued together two years ago on a child free break in Somerset, but only painted and based now to have something for the conclave.  I'll post them on Devos IV, but not until the middle of September.

Arcoflagellants by Zzzzzz.

The station security team was a bit weirded out by that lot, but they were getting used to the flamboyant and eccentric styles of Inquisitors and their followers. So into the chamber they shuffled. 

From an antechamber, bedecked in overpriced swag, emerged the Inquisitor who goes by the call sign Alpha. He looked around the room suspiciously, as an Inquisitor of Ordo Hereticus is likely to do, before taking his seat at the conclave table. 

Inquisitor Alpha by Neverness.

Quote by Lord Inquisitor Torquemada Corteaz


Despite opening the entries up to include Imperial Agents, very few people participated this year. (If I missed you let me know and I will edit you into the post. ) Shall we see what happens next year or give this thing a rest?