So wow! Looks like its been a while since ive updated! To many projects it seems and not enough typing time! Anyhow theres alot to cover on my current works but id like to start with Fateweaver for Carl on the Independent Characters Podcast. There's alot that's going on with this one so I thought id let you guys in on all the work thus far
  As you can see I've decided to section off the model in pieces as this will make it much easier to paint. However being a failcast model its exceptionally light on the wooden dowels which has taken some getting used to. Also note that I've gone ahead and used Vallejo airbrush grey primer. The first model I received from Carl was base coated in a very dark purple. This I knew would cause to thick of a layer to be built up in order for the contrast levels im going for. I have yet to need black as an undercoat so far.
 After primming the basework begins. I started with a mix of  GW Caledor Sky blue and PP Turquise ink. This gave me a very nice thin bright base to go off.
 Allowing that to dry I added GW Purple wash to the deeper recesses. I need to get the darkest level of my base hue that I can without going to black. This will only add to the brighter levels of contrast when I add highlights.