hi all,

I finally had time to continue work on this piece.

As mentioned previously, I decided to apply the skin effect.
It's a lot of work, but it is rather meditative and it is worth every second.
Once I had the first leg done and baked, I started to flesh-up the rest of the body - note I also added the front legs, which I initially forgot ;D
With the Huntress on it.
Then the fleshed-up tail.
and the first base for the head
Since I can't get the whole piece into the oven, I decided to cut off the head as well as the tail.
This also makes it easier on applying the skin effect.
There are some areas that are really hard to reach with the stamp
But now the body is baked (Note the one arm broke off in the oven, so he's in a sling till the glue settles)
Next I can start doing the head :)