Afternoon All,

I am here to finally showcase something I have painted in 2015 on the 24th May!  Wow that's real life for you. Today's showcase is my newly finished Legion Graviton Rapier.  I am really looking forward to getting into 30k and this is another step in the road.  Hopefully in January the CODE40k group can finally have our first game of 30k.  This will follow nicely on from our usual December event here on the blog.

In any case that is a long way off and I need to get more models built and painted for then.  Back to the rapier; the model you may notice, is missing the spindles from the cannon.  I have them I just don't like them so have deliberately omitted them. Secondly and this is where I need some advice the main barrel of the cannon is slightly warped.  I have heated it up and tried to correct this but once it cooled it returned to the same warped shape. Any advice on this would be cool please??

The model itself uses sponge weathering techniques and weathering powders to achieve the war torn look I am going for with my Death Guard.  I was tempted with more OSL from the blue light source within the barrel but having tried it I didn't like the finish so backed away from that idea.  I also changed out the plume head for a none helmet head on the pointing marine just to make mine look a little different to others. Also I thought the plume head would come in handy for a sergeant model later down the line.  As always constructive comments are most welcome:

As I have finally got started for the year I have awarded myself 10 painting points!

Next up more Death Guard...

Thats all folks

Doc Out